I’ve been spending a lot of time on mobile due to medical reasons, and I can’t seem to find a straight answer as to which mobile browser is best; I use FF on my PC and currently on mobile as well, but I’m seeing people call Bromite better, and others recommend Mull or Fennec. I (unfortunately) haven’t been able to jailbreak my phone or anything out of fear of bricking my sole means of emergency contact, so I have a Galaxy S10 with as many bloatware features disabled as possible, but not any OS installed or anything, as much as I’d love to. I’m not as tech savvy as I’d like to be.

Apologies for the wall of text. I just really want to know what to use.

  • Jama
    02 years ago

    Mull + ublock on andvanced mode ftw. Mull is awesome, even if you need to change sometimes a thing or two from about:config (e.g. ocsp.require sadly broke a lot of websites), but the real feature is the ublock addon in advanced mode: if you learn how to use it (not hard, you can check the wiki on the official GitHub page or any guide on the internet) then you will have complete control on your traffic and a great protection against tracking and security issues. Tor is good too for everyday browsing, just use another browser for things that need an account