Since it’s mostly free, there has to be a catch. I may be wrong, but since it’s Google, there’s always a catch nowadays.

    11 year ago

    The problem isn’t that they know about me or you. Or that they know wherever we go and everything about us, more than our family or closest friends. That matters too of course, but the bigger problem is that they know this information about everyone and will know it forever. The issue is systemic privacy. Whenever things go to shit, which they will and partly already have, you’ll be sorry for not caring about privacy. Caring about personal privacy is rebellion and doing your part in the fight for privacy for everyone

      11 year ago

      u gave zero reasons or counter arguments u just said “im scared of god sending me to hell just in case he exists”

      ur scared of a phantom, a possibility. nobody is going to regret anything. you’ll be ok

          11 year ago

          lol if u say so

          ill start guzzling dextro again if ur right just for u. i may need to borrow some tinfoil tho i don’t want them sucking my ad preferences out of my brain :O