Originally I’ve download the signal app through playstore, but often it also get updates from Droid-ify(Fdroid client). Today its weird and I got this . Explain to me this.
On the Droid-ify the signal app is provided by: org.thoughtcrimes.securesms
Originally I’ve download the signal app through playstore, but often it also get updates from Droid-ify(Fdroid client). Today its weird and I got this . Explain to me this.
On the Droid-ify the signal app is provided by: org.thoughtcrimes.securesms
To add to that:
Always check the projects’ website to see the official ways it’s distributed, before you just download it from anywhere.
Not applying for signal though, as their apk site is hidden away
Not a fan of that either, that really is unfortunate. But with a bit of common sense, a person should then ask about that, if the Play Store is not an option. It’s still not a reason to download it from a source you haven’t verified to be official
Or just use Molly
No thats absolutely a reason. Signal is 100% to blame that they have no fully FOSS code repository that could then simply be compiled by FDroid and shipped there.
Instead I have to rely on some Dude I know nothing about, Twinhelix could just as well spread Malware. But I like my updates through FDroid, I like a blob Free Signal
Call it blame, but that decision is fully within their right, and what Twinhelix does technically violates F-Droids’ guidelines. If a creator doesn’t want their app on there, F-Droid calls to respect that.
The official Signal apk updates itself, so that’s not even an issue.
If your unoffical build from a third-party gives you issues one day, you are fully responsible for that.
Huh? They could just as well provide a blobfree APK themselves. They have their Google Play crap already, everyone not using that will probably also have a googlefree OS.
They have a FOSS client and provide no FOSS binaries, which is totally their right. I heard their Desktop clients are not reproducible though, maybe because of Electron?