I am going sailing…

I can’t believe how people can commit such heinous sin by suggesting garbage websites like [movie-web.app]. Someone did this to me this morning and I was absolutely thankful enraged.

  • ReallyKinda
    11 year ago

    “Our starting price is extremely competitive with other streamers and at $6.99 per month in the US, for example, it’s much less than the average price of a single movie ticket.”

    Ah yes

    • hiddengoat
      11 year ago

      You know, movie tickets! Those things that haven’t had cultural relevance in years, that nobody actually fucking wants to deal with, but movie studios make shit-tons of up front cash on them so we’re forced into waiting through theatrical exclusivity if we have zero interest in watching movies while surrounded by other assholes?

      Totally an excellent comparison, given that the last movie I saw in a theater was IT. The first part. And I didn’t pay for the ticket.