This is an article written by telegram’s founder and CEO Pavel Durov in 2019 on “Why whatsapp will never be secure”. Your thoughts?

    11 year ago

    The major clients now do have OMEMO. Yea, I agree it’s flawed but that’s so far it’s the one I settled on. Do you know other, more refined selfhostable solutions? I am now looking for development there but doubt I’d get few people that I already got there to switch again.

      11 year ago

      Not aware that there is a modern decentralized secure and private chat protocol. Sadly. I also am not aware of any developmenta of something like that, so XMPP is the best we got (for decentralized open widly supported protocols)

      I know that a lot of clients do encryption of the message body by default, but it still leaves a lot of stuff in plain text (afaik).