This is an article written by telegram’s founder and CEO Pavel Durov in 2019 on “Why whatsapp will never be secure”. Your thoughts?

  • datendefekt
    121 year ago

    It’s been a while since I looked into it, and things might have changed since then, but some stuff off the top of my head:

    • Messages are stored on the server, not on the device
    • end-to-end encryption not enabled by default
    • uses proprietary encryption, making security audits difficult

    Apart from that it’s somewhat politically questionable, based in Dubai (I think), with dubious financial backing and Russian developers. Because it’s closed source and the encryption is proprietary, there’s no way of knowing how much info it leaks.

    • ClotOP
      1 year ago

      Messages are stored on the server, not on the device

      Yes, pretty much necessary to provide multidevice support

      end-to-end encryption not enabled by default

      True that and telegram sucks big here, but I donth think e2ee can be enabled in a feasible way for multiple devices.

      uses proprietary encryption, making security audits difficult

      The MTProto isnt open source but its fully documented, there have been security audits on it.

      dubious financial backing

      No. Pavel Durov have always said since starting he paid for telegram’s servers from his pocket, in recent years telegram has started monetisation programs to cover its costs.

      Russian developers

      The founders were born in Russia, but they now have dual citizenship of UAE and France. If you are talking about politically questionable, even signal have been accused of having backdoors for CIA.