So I was going through /all and this admin is snooping at vote counts for posts in his instance and then posting it publicly.

Just a reminder that these kind of petty people exist. Pick a trustworthy instance or better yet, host your own.


    1 year ago

    From what I understand votes are publicly available data, Lemmy just chooses to hide them to prevent the “chilling effect” where people feel afraid to vote honesty for fear of repercussions. Then they reintroduced it for admins so they can do their duties in stopping vote manipulation, for example people who go onto your profile and downvote literally every comment you make (it’s already happened to me like 3 times) or those who use all of their alts to try and sway momentum on a comment their main makes. There’s also times where there’s no justification for a comment being upvoted; perfect example is when a nazi says “based” in response to an article about someone being racist and it gets like 20 upvotes. I don’t think anyone reasonable would be against a banwave on something like that.

    Obviously admins can see everything that goes through their servers for what should be obvious reasons, so this is more of a convenience thing. Moral of the story: don’t join shitty crypto instances.

    • Amju Wolf
      31 year ago

      perfect example is when a nazi says “based” in response to an article about someone being racist and it gets like 20 upvotes. I don’t think anyone reasonable would be against a banwave on something like that.

      I would absolutely be against that. Voting should not be bannable outside of vote manipulation itself. If the content is offending, remove that (and possibly ban the user), but not people who vote on it. That’s just stupid “guilty by association” nonsense. And besides, voicing stupid opinions (in moderation) is still better than suppressing free speech.

      Lemmy just chooses to hide them to prevent the “chilling effect” where people feel afraid to vote honesty for fear of repercussions.

      I find that kinda stupid as well. It leads people to think that their votes are private when literally anyone can view them with a bit of work. Sure the chilling effect sucks but it’s better than misleading people. At the very least they should be warned when they sign up.

        1 year ago

        … really? You think that upvoting what amounts to “hey any fellow nazis here?” should be allowed…? 😒

        • Amju Wolf
          31 year ago

          I think that if you allow that question in the first place, voting on it should not have any consequences either.

          Besides, despite what most people instinctively think it’s better to see what you disagree with so that you can keep your eyes on it rather than forcing it into hiding and knowing nothing (again, in moderation - you probably don’t want to run an actual Nazi instance, so if it does bother you you should moderate that post/comment).

          And mistakes still happen; it’s easy to accidentally upvote/downvote something by mistake, to misunderstand someone, etc. So yes, I do think banning people based on what they up/downvote is a bad idea.

            01 year ago

            Your argument is “we should keep nazis around just make sure they behave” which is not a point i’m willing to entertain.

            • Amju Wolf
              11 year ago

              Man, please, learn to read. My whole point is that you should not care about what people upvote.

              So once again: if you are okay with the original comment/post - which means you are fine with keeping Nazis on and what they have to say on your platform - then you should be okay with people who “react” on that content.

              Or maybe you aren’t fine with it, so you should delete the offending post or comment, and then you won’t be bothered by the reactions either.

                1 year ago

                Because you can’t also ban the person who posted it. For god sake this is the level of faith we are on. Go outside, this thread ended yesterday.