Last month the New York Times’ Kashmir Hill published a major story on how GM collects driver behavior data then sells access (through LexisNexis) to insurance companies, which will then jack…
Oh i did. Everyone else is actually higher priced. Not kidding its insane. We are being made to pay for everyone else’s habits. How a shared pool works i guess
I tried liberty, root, and allstate. They all wanted more than 800 a year for liability. Walked away from them and stuck with progressive as i have been with them for 30 years and liability with hem for is 600 due to my longevity. Comp&coll is what i had up til last year when they jacked it up from 699 to 2150.
How long you been with your current insurer?
I have been with mine 30 years. Still getting reamed
Sooo… shop around? Existing customers who show indication that they will leave are prime candidates for reaming.
Oh i did. Everyone else is actually higher priced. Not kidding its insane. We are being made to pay for everyone else’s habits. How a shared pool works i guess
Have you considered one of the alternative brokers which offer pay as you go liability coverage?
One example:
I tried liberty, root, and allstate. They all wanted more than 800 a year for liability. Walked away from them and stuck with progressive as i have been with them for 30 years and liability with hem for is 600 due to my longevity. Comp&coll is what i had up til last year when they jacked it up from 699 to 2150.