Now I’m curious if this would actually be a viable business model, if it’d have any legal or practical issues, and if anyone already does it. Like, there exist companies that collect trash already, clearly that part is already viable, so if information could be collected and sold to advertisers for even a little more than the cost to collect that information, then it would be extra profit for the trash company as long as it didn’t negatively impact their core business of trash collection. Could be even more insidious and hard to opt out of than actually having someone look through one’s individual trash too, for example, if one could, say, sort out the cans from the trash for recycling purposes, one might also try to have a machine look for brand logos on those cans, and store information about which route a given load came from, potentially giving information about what kinds of beverages people in a given neighborhood are more or less likely to buy.
Those were my thoughts when I saw Gates bought waste managment stocks and saw the video of AI successfully sorting the items for recycling.
It’s interesting to think about. Banks can track where a person buys and how much is spent. Individual businesses gather data on customers in various ways that bigger corporations can pay to look at. But there’s only so much one business sees. And they might not want to share that in the first place.
Scanning trash for logos, barcodes etc can give you nice “average consumer” stats for an area without paying a bunch of companies. It doesn’t matter if a bottle of sunscreen came from a small business, walmart or bought online direct, they’ll know people in your area bought it and used it.
Dunno about selling ads, but rooting through people’s garbage is a massively important part of archaeology/anthropology!
It’s also an important part of preparing for a hack, the discoveries in the garbage are used for social engineering, which is used for hacking. See the movie Sneakers for a great example.
Hell, if you’re scanning the trash for cans to separate out and recycle, why not just scan all the rest of the trash and figure out whatever information you can from there. You could realistically scan all the trash and log every identifiable piece while only removing cans and logging all the data. Don’t know how much valuable information one could pull from this data that isn’t already available through sales data, but it’s an interesting concept to mull over at least.
They should pay us to take away our garbage.
God I hope you are being ironic
For real, so many free calories to harvest.
Found the raccoon
This is funny but totally real, companies like iron mountain makes a bunch of money by destroying documents in a controlled and certified process so exactly this doesn’t happen with their trash.
A more perfect analogy would be the truck driver handing the other guy the balaclava and watching him put it on in front of him and then take it off again before he left. Not really much more private.
I would not be surprised if someday we’ll get our trash checked by government.
Lol wut. That’s the old way to do it. See COINTELPRO and the Congressional Church Committee
Fuck me, you’re right… what comes next?
They want us to see our data as a garbage, when in reality, it is not. People tend to look down about behavioural + psychology traces / collective works and thats where manipulations has become more and more invisible to our mind. Yes, we have choices, but have we ever critize that choice for?
Does this imply that our personal data is garbage 🤔
“One man’s trash is another man’s treasure” seem to apply in such case.