It’s discrediting valid concerns against card-payments. It’s invalidating how great cash is.

It’s when the worst person you know makes a good point.

And things now are so Culture-Wars-y, nobody makes solid analyses any more, that when the far-right say cards are bad, everybody jumps to thinking cards are good.

    • darq
      12 years ago

      They will always correctly identify the pincers and the stinger, but they will never mention a scorpion.

      12 years ago

      If its the same point, and you agree with it, wouldn’t it be stupid to not agree with the same point, but said by someone else you hate?

      12 years ago

      I agree cash sucks in may ways. But in may ways cash is extremely good. For example privacy wise cash it king as it is for the most part is untraceable. I take $1,000 out of the bank. And it is much harder for anyone but myself to keep track of where I am spending that $1,000. Vs a debit/credit card the banks have a complete logs of everything I am buying. And potentially the retailers could be tracking my purchases via my card as well.

        12 years ago

        I thought the government was tracking the serial numbers on larger bills that were dispensed through ATMs? I didn’t hear that from a reliable source, but it seems pretty simple from a number of transactions standpoint.

          12 years ago

          It wouldn’t surprise me if they do. Lets say I get $100 bill out of the ATM, if the government wanted to track that bill. They would need to find that bill again and then try to back track the route the bill took to me. A very time intensive task and ultimately could lead to a dead end. After all how many people keep track of the serial numbers of your large bills?

          Compare that to a card. Literally everything about it is tracked, it is all done automatically and can be acquired from the bank.

            12 years ago

            ok: you never have the correct change, oftentimes you get changed short, takes up too much space, you have to balance between not carrying too little and not carrying too much, hard to track spending (can be your upside, i understand)

            i believe that we need the option to use cache in society, but it sucks ass to actually use it day-to-day

              2 years ago

              you never have the correct change

              As a result change accumulates. Every so often I bring it to my credit union and throw it into a machine and deposit it for free.

              oftentimes you get changed short

              It’s very rare and the mistakes sometimes happen in my favor.

              takes up too much space

              Not usually. Only when on occasion I need to process a lot of change at once is there a significant space requirement.

              you have to balance between not carrying too little and not carrying too much

              This is trivial. I never spend more than half a second on such a decision. Usually I know instantly what to bring.

              hard to track spending

              That’s a feature.

              i believe that we need the option to use cache in society

              I believe cache must remain legal tender and refusing to accept cache should result in a felony conviction plus one year imprisonment.

              That said, I would eliminate the penny and the nickel, and put the quarter on a serious diet. Then outlaw all the .99 and .95 type pricing. It might be OK to do away with the dime as well and only leave the largest coin in use.

              Privacy and the freedom from oversight by any large entity are non-negotiable.

              The only oversight I support is me doing oversight on you, and never someone else doing oversight on me. I am not a masochist.

              12 years ago

              I mean your observations are correct, but I feel your reaction is sensationalism.

              For hundreds of not thousands of years we’ve dealt with it. That’s not just, coping because there isn’t a better option, Humans are pretty capable when they’re not lazy

    • ATM’s make pulling out cash an option without human interaction, plus there’s exponentially less tracking possible. Seems like a win-win, especially when you take into account some banks are revoking the option to pull out cash.

    • Duży Szef [he/him]
      12 years ago

      You do realize that cash self checkouts exist? They’re only rare as they cost more money for companies, but who says they couldn’t be legally enforced? I’ve honestly seen them only in hipermarkets like Auchan, Tesco, Le’Clerc and Carrefour.

    • Cam
      02 years ago

      What? Talking to a cashier is dreadful? That is why your againsh cash?

    2 years ago

    Oh so it’s not just my country where for some reason the right suddenly is super fussed about cash. I just assumed they made some supid press conferences again to distract from some scandal, as they do.

    Having the option to pay cash is super important for privacy, but those people do not have our best interest in mind.

    12 years ago

    Sane and reasonable people spent several decades advocating the use of cash instead of cards since at least the 1970s, until we mostly gave up. Who knows, maybe the newly invigorated crazy people will do better. They can’t do much worse.

  • Frog-Brawler
    12 years ago

    I already see where this is going. The far-right is going to fuck up their credit scores even worse and then blame the NWO or wokeness or socialism or anything but their own stupidity when they cant get a car loan in 3 years.

      12 years ago

      You dont need a credit score to borrow money. I own crypto that i can borrow against as collateral for a loan. Plus i can keep it out forever as long as i pay at least the interest payment. I obviously dont do that, but i could. You do have to be careful with borrowing from crypto or stocks since they fluctuate and you could get liquidated, but i am allowed to borrow up to 70% of the face value and i have a personal cap of 35% so i never run into that.

        2 years ago

        You essentially just said “I have money to borrow money against”.

        If you had an account with $100k and can borrow up to $70k against it, that isn’t really taking out a loan as it is just borrowing your own money.

        Your argument essentially boils down to “just don’t be poor”. The people who need credit and to borrow money are those who don’t have the collateral to spend it otherwise.

        You’re just essentially advocating for what rich people like Elon musk do. Take out loans against their stocks so they don’t actually have to liquidate their stocks to get usable cash.

            12 years ago

            The car I need to go to work? Was I suppose to be born with 3-15K for that car? The House I want to buy. guess I just need to dig though the laundry for that 500K I left in my pants pocket?

            I am all about not going into debt but often times it is a necessary evil.

              12 years ago

              Ah, we are thinking different debts. A car is like 7% and a house is like 5%. I am talking credit cards at 20-25% as being the real problem. If you have assets like stocks or crypto and need to replace the water heater you can get $500 at 6% instead of the 20% you would pay on a credit card. $1000 is enough to borrow $500 and be at 50% utilization, though $1600 would be better since that would only be 30% utilization. Plus you get to keep the interest bearing asset while younpay the loan off which you could use to lower your paid out of pocket interest even farther.

                12 years ago

                Doesn’t your credit score affect the type if interest you will get even on an assets lone? My understanding at least in the US credit scores affect basically all credit lines. That is why they recommend getting a credit card to help built you score. As long as you pay it off every month it is basically free use of someone else’s money. That builds up your credit score.

                  12 years ago

                  Yeah, if you are borrowing from stocks your credit score is a factor. However, the APR will still be way lower than any CC. With a crypto loan like i use no credit score is needed at all, just the assets to borrow from.

  • Kerrigor
    2 years ago

    Great, so they get payment processors to refuse “dirty” merchants (aka porn) and then jump ship from them anyways? Why do they try to make everything suck

  • LemmyLefty
    12 years ago

    I don’t agree that the reaction to what rightwingers say is so thoughtlessly contrary. In my experience, the reaction is usually “…huh, not what I expected, but okay. Oh, wait, THAT’S the reason they hate it? Nevermind…”

  • mo_ztt ✅
    12 years ago

    Why is it a bad thing if someone you don’t like says something sensible?

    There’s a lot of natural alliance between the anti-establishment on the right and the left… that’s why the establishment spends so much money and effort making propaganda, trying to make sure that the natural rage of the screwed-over gets channeled to the far right. The rage gets aimed at the left, instead of being properly directed at the people who are screwing them.

    I don’t feel like it’s helping if someone who’s a victim of that propaganda makes a good decision, and people on the left don’t want to acknowledge it.

    • Bigs
      12 years ago

      Agreed. This kinda looks like rage-bait anyhow. OP’s argument is pretty sloppy, too.

      A: Some far-right activists and conspiracy theories are advocating against card-payments and for cash
      B: discrediting valid concerns against card-payments.

      It’d be a pretty tough argument, but B doesn’t follow from A directly and would need some heavy lifting in between. Also, OP’s post is most def “culture-wars-y.”

      • mo_ztt ✅
        12 years ago

        A lot of people just like their team, and the other team is the enemy, and that’s about the size of it. 😕

  • Schwim Dandy
    2 years ago

    I remember as a kid, seeing a commercial for a credit card where the clown of the ad tried to use cash, inconveniencing the mob behind him and it really stuck with me how unapologetic credit companies were when training their consumers and debt carriers.

  • mishimaenjoyer
    12 years ago

    „ppl i don’t agree with have the same stance on privacy for basically the same reasons as I do and because the media is trained like pawlow‘s dogs they will now frame the exact opposite as sane and now I’m mad at the ppl I don’t agree with“ - the post.

  • mayo_cider [he/him]
    12 years ago

    Privacy matters the most to people who have something material to lose with it, this unfortunately for pr reasons (but fortunately for many other reasons) includes bigots