The new fairphone 5 came out, it looks cool but the price is really, really high…
If it’s a phone that can really last 10 years it could be good, but is that true? Is it worth it? I could get the one with /e/os from Murena because i want a degoogled phone with a bootloader locked, but is it usable on a daily basis?
I bought the FP3, then upgraded it to an FP3+ when the camera broke. Never had as much fun with a phone before or since. It has been my daily driver for years and it did everything well enough, if a bit slow. My friends either get new phones or use them despite visible damage because they can’t fix them. Now I ordered the FP5 to have the 3+ as a backup and test setup and I am confident I will use the FP5 for 3-6 years again :)
Fairphones are like an odd car: There are sleeker, faster, cheaper and maybe just better alternatives around. However you still like it and just learn where to hit it with a hammer when it starts making funny noises. If you can afford it and like odd devices, it’s for you.
Don’t hit your phone with a hammer please . 🤓
You can’t tell me what to do!!!
…but it kinda makes sense, so I won’t hit it with a hammer 😐
If you’re not a power user, then it’ll probably work fine for several years. And it will be cheap and easy to replace the battery in 3-5 years when it starts to degrade, or replace the screen if you drop it. Not sure if a full 10 year lifespan is realistic, though.
And you’re right, the price is high, but it’s not supposed to be an affordable phone. The stated goal of the Fairphone is to be better for the environment and better for people than most other electronics. So, they have to do things like use sustainable materials and source parts from places that treat their workers well. All of that means that Fairphones will NEVER be as cheap as other brands. Because doing things right costs more.
We’ll probably never be allowed Fairphone in USA, which I’ve been eying since before launch. Curiosity got the better of me anyway; it’s still cheaper than iPhone
Do you not count the Murena partnership? I’ve been considering a Fairphone since I saw this.
I don’t know enough about Murena to speculate, let alone comment
Wasn’t the FP4 launched in the US recently?
I had to search, and so it was!
It’s still currently not budgetable, but it’s closer! Thanks for great news!
Why did you think it wouldn’t be allowed in USA?
Honestly? Because politicians and citizens alike would use it as a rallying cry, label it “European soshulist garbage.” Ffs, they even aoc and Bernie claim they’re socialists. They aren’t.
I believe that the price is reasonable overall: it has good specs and now that FP is an established brand you know it won’t go out of business and support will last. /e/OS has become good enough lately to be reliable to daily drive (it requires some initial adjustment, but nothing to be worried about).
Also, they are phones that withhold their value in the secondary market: a used FP3+ on ebay costs more than 400€ and it had a launch price of 439€, so you can easily sell them for a good price if you ever change your mind about owning one.
The only thing that makes me hesitant to buy one is the fact that now the EU is pushing a lot of consumer friendly laws, like mandatory USB-C, replaceable batteries, extended software support and so on… So in two or three years the smartphone market might offer more high-end products that are long lasting and have a more accessible price tag. It only depends on how much time can you wait.Edit: added links to sources
I’ve had a Fairphone 4 for just under a year running CalyxOS, and I am very happy with it. Not sure when / if CalyxOS will be available for FP5, but unless they have locked down anything, I don’t see why that shouldn’t happen. If I understand your post correctly, it is already available with e/OS/?
Maybe the specs are underwhelming, but with the FP4, it does not affect me the slightest based on my use case. Phones are more than good enough already. I do not play any games on my phone. Camera could be better - maybe it is on FP5? Is it the perfect phone? Nope, but at the moment, I think our choices are too limited if you want privacy and repairability. Supporting a company that pushes these kinds of phone is also a reason I went with this phone.
Swapable batteries are nice - I’ve not made use of it yet, but I am planning on getting one or two spare batteries for travel to keep in a printed case. In the EU, this will be mandatory in the future, but first form 2027. Other than that, I am happy with the ability to buy spare parts if something breaks. I can’t see myself ever buying something that is deliberately unrepairable again when there is no reason it should be. I don’t mind the lack of 3.5mm-port, which I know irritates a lot of people. If you swear to this, I can understand that this is disappointing. There exists an adapter, but my experience with these kind of adapters is that they quickly wear out. That was my experience with the iPhone and Apple’s own adapters at least. I burned through four in 1-2 years.
Running a Fairphone 4 with IodéOS (another de-Googled privacy focused Android) for close to two years now and I agree that it’s a capable phone which doesn’t limit myself in any way.
As you mentioned the biggest downside is the camera, which apparently has something to do with the firmware.
Edit: regarding the headphone situation: I’m using Austrian Audio (=former AKG engineering team) Hi-X25BT headphones, which are noticeably better than pods or cheap headphones and have been running well over a year now. They come with both (mini-)jack to USB-C and USB-C to USB-C cables, but I haven’t tried the latter yet.
Had the fair phone 4 since launch running e/os, then there was an update that was rinsing the battery so I went back to stock android. Performance just wasn’t good on stock so i got fed up and got an s3 ultra. No more privacy but never had a better phone. Now the fair phone is just collecting dust; I like the idea of it but just needs a bit more juice
Depends on what you’re using the phone for. Personally, my usage isn’t very demanding, so having a phone that’s going to have security updates and a replaceable battery will probably let me use the phone for 5+ years.
I probably won’t keep the phone for 10 years, but it means I can upgrade on my schedule, not just because some company decided for me.
I can hear consumers now, “ But I want muh planned obsolescence!”
Since we are in a privacy subreddit, I will say that Fairphone is second only to the Google Pixel in terms of support for privacy focused versions of Android. For privacy specifically, they are a great choice.
But the price is just too much, jesus. I can’t spend 600 euros on a phone
Kids are very cheap labour. If you want them to build a phone for you, just buy any other brand.
Bruh so sorry if for me a purchase of 600 euros is just too much, i don’t work and i don’t expect to receive money from anybody right now, so i guess if you are the one who wants to give me the opportunity of not putting kids to build my next phone then now’s your big chance
Why are you complaining about the price of a smartphone when you don’t even have an income?
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Oh what, i can’t? If i had an income i could magically have the right to rant about it? Even without income, every now and then i manage to make substantial purchases, but we’re talking about 600€ then it’s just too much for me to handle
You can complain about whatever you want, I just don’t understand the logic behind this particular complaint. According to you, not only do you not have an income but you don’t work at all. The problem here is quite clearly your situation in life and not the price of the phone. Complaining about the price of luxury items is just completely asinine when you have no reliable source of income and are doing nothing to change that.
Just ignore the downvotes, people are garbage and that doubles online!
Yes indeed, reddit taught me this already
Just buy a secondhand Pixel.
Yes i was already considering that. Particularly i was looking to buy one on this website , seems like the cheapest option i’ve found so far
Ahem, did you mean community?
Sorry…force of habit…
Subreddit? You high man? Do you need some water? Have you eaten well?
Reminder that a used phone with a nonstock rom is more environmentally conscious.
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. Some other bloke skipped the first step, which is why the used phone makes sense.
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We are on a sub. I think fairphone is a good thing, but typically people are here because they are techie and can do a Rom swap.
Actually, when you buy a Fairphone directly from them, they offer you to send them your old phone to be refurbished and reused, I believe in 3rd world countries.
Edit: Here’s the direct link:
It’s interesting that they include phone brands like MobiWire and Blackberry, but not Google.
Thats actually pretty great.
The price, no headphones plug…
Doesn’t seem fair to me to be honest.
From a privacy perspective: no
From a fairness and repairability perspective: yes
Why is it bad from a privacy perspective?
The default Fairphone OS has Google and a bunch of other trackers.
For a good privacy friendly Fairphone, you should get the Murena Fairphone (they preinstalled DeGoogled /e/OS)
So not really worse than any other Android phones
No worse, and with the benefits of a re-lockable bootloader and widespread custom OS support.
It’s not bad, it’s just that it’s an Android phone like any other. It doesn’t claim to be more “private”. It would be approximately the same amount of work to degoogle as any other Android phone.
They literally launched a /e/OS version the same day…
Probably easier if they dont actively try to prevent you from unlocking & rooting
Though that does not equal to interest by the devs who create ROMs and other such content.
Maybe less of a concern since Treble but a concern nonetheless.
Every Fairphone to date (perhaps not the original) has had support for custom operating systems, on behalf of both the Fairphone developers and community developers at large. The Fairphone 4 is one of the most widely supported modern devices and there is no reason to think this will suddenly change with the 5.
Fairphone always had a lot of interest from the open source community, I don’t see why that would change…
Nope, can’t find one here, first of all. And even if it were available here, I can just degoogle other model for much better price anyways.
I don’t see it as being “out”. The webpage only has a preorder option and I’ll never preorder anything. I’d wait and see what the general consensus is before buying anything. Things can look good on paper. All that being said, if it’s actually decent then it seems like a pretty good deal.
Do not buy preloaded LineageOS or /e/ OS phones or any Android phones without proper Verified Boot support and firmware updates. These devices also have no way for you to check whether they’ve been tampered with.> from
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That isn’t an official GrapheneOS channel, it’s called PrivacyPhones. I doubt it’s a person involved with GrapheneOS trying to spread FUD or something. You could always go make questions on the official chatrooms.
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In theory,yes.
I won’t buy it as my whole charging environment is wireless these days and the FP5 has no wireless charging.
Rolling back of course would be possible but annoying, especially for phone I would use for 5 years possibly.
Ive been wondering what stops people to mod their phone for wireless charging
From the tear downs I’ve seen with wireless charging it’s actually a pretty sizable and complicated addition to just slap into a phone that’s already had it’s space optimized. I’m sure there’s work arounds, but with so many various models and configurations I doubt you could create a one-size-fits all mod that would be popular/easy to implement.
Fair, but with how moduler the fairphone’s are, i kinda expected somebody to have made it possible :p
It won’t be as good as native hardware support, but you can buy a device to add wireless charging. It plugs into the phone USB-C and has a short flexible cable leading into a thin (1 mm maybe) wireless charger receiver that can fit inside a phone case
Yeah, had one of these for previous phones,but most don’t fit properly with cases and if you need to properly charge the phone you are always fiddling around. Was not really satisfied with them.
I use the FP3. It’s an old device but I find it very responsive, and keeps up with what I need it to do personally. I like it, but don’t like Android. I wish the device had more RAM though.
The FP5 looks promising (and big 😳) the only turn offs for me are no 3.5mm headphone jack, and the price could do with another 150-200 off at least. Since FP is a niche company with some special supply chain arrangements, I think this price is the best we’ll get for now (unless you trade in an old device for recycling for money off), but it’s still expensive.
If you value the ability to own and repair your device, the knowledge that people further down in the supply chain get paid a little extra when they’re collecting materials for Fairphone, and that your device will very, very likely get supported for the full time they claim (and even longer in the case of the FP2), then it’s probably worth it.
Otherwise, a new/recent Pixel (eligible to recieve GrapheneOS updates) is another very good option.
Regardless of what device you choose, if you want to keep your next phone for 10 years, you’ll want a lot of onboard storage - but keep as much things as possible on an SD card. This is to avoid burning out your onboard NAND, since it has a finite lifespan and not replaceable.
Pixels don’t support SD cards AFAIK, so if you go for one of them I’d recommend going for the highest builtin storage that you can afford (especially if it’s a used one)
no 3.5mm headphone jack
Whaaaat? Why?
Another FP3 user here.
I wish the device had more RAM though.
I use lineageos with zram on mine. It works wonders
Interesting, Fedora Linux uses zram too, is this a general thing on Android?
What is zram? It it a baked in feature of Lineage or is it an add on? I’ve got MicroG LOS on my FP3 and it runs well enough.
Zram basically compresses the ram. Afaik it’s enabled by default in LOS.
I’m not terribly familiar with the Fairphones, but are you able to upgrade the ram yourself? I feel like that should be a key part of the modularity concept.
Modern system on chip type processors and their RAM and even ROM are pretty rightly coupled. Modem also. Upgrade would essentially be a full board swap.
Which would be a neat feature, but probably hard to make happen.