This CL moves the base::Feature from content_features.h to
a generated feature from runtime_enabled_features.json5.
This means that the base::Feature can be default-enabled
while the web API is co...
WEI checks your browser, your extensions and your OS to ensure that a site is not tampered with. Officially it’s to make sure that sites don’t have to deal as much with bots.
Too bad that many of us use adblockers to protect us from malicious ads or remove ads to make a website bearable. Google also happens to distribute ads which makes the fact that adblockers likely won’t work anymore a very concenient coincidence they totally didn’t have in mind.
It’s also possible that non-Chromium browsers (for example Firefox) will stop working due to them either not supporting WEI or not being considered legitimate by whoever will do the checks.
It is also completely contrary to the whole concept of html web design where the browser has complete control over fonts, spacing, discreet content display, etc, so that each user can consume the content in a way that works for them.
Google is pushing some bullshit that would allow websites to check if a client (you, your browser, your device) is on the okie-dokey list. If yes, you may enter e. g. Youtube, if not the you’re out. It’s like a bouncer for websites and of course Google would be that bouncer. So you might stand out in the rain if you are using one of the following:
Basically, if your browser modifies a web page in any way (such as by blocking ads, applying a theme, disabling javascript, whatever), the server would be able to detect this and deny access.
Yes absolutely. Your hardware has built in DRM capabilities. Modern CPUs basically have a 2nd small CPU inside that runs proprietary code and manages the primary CPU, and it also handles DRM.
Website: Hello, Name and ID
Chrome: Hello! I’m Chrome by Google and here’s my ID
Website: OK, you are allowed in.
Adblocker: Get Lost Ads!
Website: You leave right now, Goodbye
Although it’s not just adblockers it’s also uncertified browsers
Website: Hello, Name and ID.
Firefox: Hello I am Firefox and here’s my ID.
Website: Your not on our list, GET LOST!
My Reddit history was deleted weekly because I have a drinking on the internet problem. Mostly an internet problem (jk, I’m seriously working on the drinking). I’m even leaving my history here intact (few minor exceptions, unrelated to drinking) to push me to do better. Even drunk I don’t really say anything bad, I’m not that sort of person, it just kills me with anxiety to have my drunk thoughts available forever.
So maybe, if you don’t do it frequently or build enough of a tolerance to start to remember stuff when you should be blacked out, and then have that feeling spiral into your other mental health issues… 😁
Also I like your username :) it’s pleasingly unpleasant!
ELI5 Anyone?
WEI checks your browser, your extensions and your OS to ensure that a site is not tampered with. Officially it’s to make sure that sites don’t have to deal as much with bots.
Too bad that many of us use adblockers to protect us from malicious ads or remove ads to make a website bearable. Google also happens to distribute ads which makes the fact that adblockers likely won’t work anymore a very concenient coincidence they totally didn’t have in mind.
It’s also possible that non-Chromium browsers (for example Firefox) will stop working due to them either not supporting WEI or not being considered legitimate by whoever will do the checks.
It is also completely contrary to the whole concept of html web design where the browser has complete control over fonts, spacing, discreet content display, etc, so that each user can consume the content in a way that works for them.
Basically drop „don’t be evil“, split to Alphabet, wait a few years, be evil
laughs maniacally in money
Google is pushing some bullshit that would allow websites to check if a client (you, your browser, your device) is on the okie-dokey list. If yes, you may enter e. g. Youtube, if not the you’re out. It’s like a bouncer for websites and of course Google would be that bouncer. So you might stand out in the rain if you are using one of the following:
Non-Chromium browser like Firefox
At that point they will just have the Google internet and either you’re in it or you are not.
They’re trying to be the new AOL I guess.
DRM for the web.
Basically, if your browser modifies a web page in any way (such as by blocking ads, applying a theme, disabling javascript, whatever), the server would be able to detect this and deny access.
This sound scaring, but we have been working around DRM shit since it’s invention if I recall… Should we still be alarmed?
Yes absolutely. Your hardware has built in DRM capabilities. Modern CPUs basically have a 2nd small CPU inside that runs proprietary code and manages the primary CPU, and it also handles DRM.
That isn’t something you can easily work around.
This video by Louis Rossman is a pretty good explainer
Website: Hello, Name and ID
Chrome: Hello! I’m Chrome by Google and here’s my ID
Website: OK, you are allowed in.
Adblocker: Get Lost Ads!
Website: You leave right now, Goodbye
Although it’s not just adblockers it’s also uncertified browsers
Website: Hello, Name and ID.
Firefox: Hello I am Firefox and here’s my ID.
Website: Your not on our list, GET LOST!
You will use the web as google said or you won’t use it at all.
How to kill 3% of your userbase: implement DRM
Sadly likely close to the truth…
But this is the 3% that sets trends. I am sure most of us were biggest google simps 10-15 years ago… no so nowadays.
Maps and youtube are only products i have not kicked… yet
When they add three strikes to AdBlock for Google, I’ll probably drop that too. Or I’ll try as it’s the only video platform.
I suggest using invidious if you’re gonna use YouTube
YouTube is on teevee… No solution for that as far as I know.
I just pay to avoid ads
Google is underestimating my ability to drink all day and forget the internet entirely.
Ah but what you don’t remember is when you’re drunk you go on the Internet and stumble around and talk incoherently
What you even do you mean that?
When you’re drunk you don’t remember using the Internet
Until you do, and die of anxiety.
If you don’t check what you wrote it doesn’t exist, right? Right?
Haha if only!
My Reddit history was deleted weekly because I have a drinking on the internet problem. Mostly an internet problem (jk, I’m seriously working on the drinking). I’m even leaving my history here intact (few minor exceptions, unrelated to drinking) to push me to do better. Even drunk I don’t really say anything bad, I’m not that sort of person, it just kills me with anxiety to have my drunk thoughts available forever.
So maybe, if you don’t do it frequently or build enough of a tolerance to start to remember stuff when you should be blacked out, and then have that feeling spiral into your other mental health issues… 😁
Also I like your username :) it’s pleasingly unpleasant!
your user name 🤣
I’m always watching.