Crowd sourced is the worst. When ease was new and was crowd sourced it would always have me make a right onto a side street, take an immediate left and then another right to continue on the same street I was already on.
I really hope that isn’t what they mean my crowd sourced.
Crowd sourced is the worst. When ease was new and was crowd sourced it would always have me make a right onto a side street, take an immediate left and then another right to continue on the same street I was already on.
I really hope that isn’t what they mean my crowd sourced.
I’ve seen that happen in both Google Maps and OpenStreetMaps…
But the nice thing about something crowdsourced like OpenStreetMaps, is that I can just hop on their editor and fix the street that is broken.
Would not addition people that continue to do the same thing override your fix?
When a piece of road is properly connected, there’s very little reason for others to go and disconnect it again.
There’s also an approval system, so changes made has to be reviewed by others, and you have comments to explain why and what you did.
Disconnected roads like the one OP mentions happens by accident, not by intention.
All the fixes I have put into OpenStreetMaps has stayed there.
Thanks for the detailed explanation as I was really curious.
Lol Google Maps did that shit to me literally yesterday, it happens all the time.