It was a many months transition, and it’s finally done

Fun thing, you can actually make a backup of all* your messages, groups, contacts, etc. So before leaving you can have all of your data in case you need that one contact or something

The final red flag was as that allegedly Russian authorities were messing with people’s deleted messages. Not for the first time there are news that they could read, modify, delete, see location, and etc. Screw it, this is unsafe, I’m out.

Also, these days telegram is really at the state of a pile of garbage, bloated, buggy, and shady messenger.

    1 year ago

    Well, Telegram already have a preview feature for every public channels. Just copy the direct link to the channel and add /s after (or choose “Previous channel” without opening the link in Telegram) and you’re good to go. If only Pavel will add an RSS feed to that feed. That would be mighty-mighty awesome!

    More work to save the media files, though. You have to inspect the element and get the direct link to the image through background-image for the tgme_widget_message_photo_wrap class. Much easier and takes less time to just save it inside Telegram, as of now.