• kwj
    11 year ago

    „The real takeaway that everyone should know about is that our minister of defence Ludivine Dedonder has said she will continue to post on TikTok on a private phone. A private phone she will likely carry around with her to every official visit, reunion and military base/affairs.

    All while all other military personal are banned from using tiktok anymore.

    Is she the dumbest and most incompetent person on this earth? You decide.

    Zrodlo: https://teddit.net/comments/11oh9g3/comment/jbsop5i

    • @didleth@szmer.infoOP
      11 year ago

      Ciekawe zagadnienie - pozwalają im wnosić prywatne telefony itp.? Jakoś nie wydaje mi się, by profesjonalni wojskowi byli mniej profesjonalni od niejednej grupy aktywistycznych aktywistów… Osobna sprawa to: co zrobić z telefonem w trakcie takiego zebrania